Madalyn Ciganovich

Greyhawk 620 Merit Scholar

Institution | University of Tennessee
Major | Business

About Madalyn

I am beyond honored and thankful to have been granted a 2024 VAW/VRC Memorial & Merit Scholarship. This will allow me to continue working towards earning my college degree, while easing some of the financial burdens of college. I am a rising Junior at the University of Tennessee where I am majoring in Advertising with a minor in Business. I have continued to work hard and prioritize my education this year. Receiving this award shows me that my dedication to learning and doing my best in my classes pays off. I will continue to hold this standard for the rest of my higher education and to continue to stay involved and network myself. Being a military child I was fortunate to get to experience so much more than a normal kid, but with that came hardships that have made me a stronger person. The support and encouragement of the military community through this award is truly so special and I will be forever appreciative. The WOASF has created a strong support system and has created so many opportunities for everybody, exemplifying what it means to be a part of the military community. To be a part of something so much greater than the scholarship itself, but of a foundation that brings meaning into people’s lives, is something that I am extremely proud to be a part of.

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