Joshua Bryant

Closeout 602 Merit Scholar

Institution | Virginia Commonwealth University
Major | Electrical Engineering

About Joshua

This VAW/VRC Merit scholarship means so much to me for several reasons. First and foremost, being awarded this scholarship honors my father’s 33 years of military service and his dedication to the Navy and to naval aviation. I am a proud military kid who will always be grateful for all that my father sacrificed to serve our country as well as everything that my family sacrificed to support him. These scholarships validate and honor his commitment and respect for his hard work and dedication to the Navy. For this, I am so grateful. The VAW/VRC Merit scholarship also means a lot to me because it will allow me to receive financial support for the high cost of pursuing an undergraduate degree in the field of electrical engineering. The field of electronics is a passion of mine and getting a degree in this field has been a life-long goal. This scholarship will help relieve financial stress during the first year of college which will allow me to concentrate on the rigorous academic demands of college. Being awarded these scholarships acknowledge and validate my commitment to being a high-achieving student, a service-oriented member of my community, and a student who is active member of my school community. I would like to thank the donors of these scholarships for believing in me and for supporting my future college endeavors while honoring my father’s service to the Navy and to our country.

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